Another true story from my teenage years

Two totally oblivious men flatten you daily

So i stayed with my grandma in her over 200 year old home that was kinda falling apart and the front porch was slightly higher than the entry way on the inside there the underflooring had started sagging over the years well as grandma got older she didnt want to get out much so i had talked to the people at the senior center where she used to go eat everyday and found out they delivered meals to the homebound and i met the delivery guy he was in his early 50's stood 6'6 and looked to wear at least a 15 if not bigger shoe i was explaining to him how the front porch and the step inside was and how grandma usually kept something in the sagging part so no one would trip thats when he told me it wouldnt be a problem he had no feeling in his feet now he could move them all day long but as far as being able to tell if he was standing on something or say a pinecone barefoot for instance he said he would just crush whatever it was that ended up under him he said he used to care when it first happened about 15 years ago now if something gets in the way of his enourmas 15's it gets flattened under them and he said he has no pity or care for it if it does. Boy oh boy did that get my cock hard and i hurriedly went back out to grandmas to tell her they would be bringing her first meal tomorrow to which she replied i want you to do me a huge huge favor go down to winndixie and rent a rug doctor for me and clean the living room carpet and there from the front door where it leads into the kitchen please so if course no big deal i went and got the rug doctor and got the carpets exceedingly clean and in the process got them very damp i got grandma in bed and told her she needed to be up and getting a shower as they would be coming by around 9 about that time the phone rang and i answered, the man on the other end sounded so fucking hot like a southern gentleman he was casey me and grandma had met him in the hospital about a month ago and he was telling me he was also going to be stopping by around 9 to get grandma started for her home health visits he was 6'4 and was built like a man who used to play football and he wore at least a 14 shoe so i made sure to let grandma know she probably wanted to take a longer shower since to men was coming by to see and talk to her. I got her off to bed and i went upfront opened the door and checked the carpet there where the dip was we had two big thick heavy doormats that went there but instead of placing the normal thing grandma kept in it i laid down and just put both my legs under this currio cabinet that set there by the door it was wide enough and long enough my legs all the way up to my butt would be beneath it laying down in the sagging part it was deeper than i realized and with the damp carpet making it easier to fit myself i was almost even with the flooring i quickely jumped up and grabbed the doormats placing them where they normally laid and grabbed a camera with a timer i set the timer for 20 minutes and moved the doormats and laid back down in the sagging part i made sure my legs was directly beneath the cabniet and most of my butt was as well i had to let the doormat kind of fall on me jesus i never realized how heavy this thing actually was but it was only around the edges the middle part i was under was heavy but soft and mising some piles from years of use so i could see out pretty good it was almost like id be able to watch feet land on me and they would never know the difference. Knowing this plan might really work and work way too well i laid there thinking about the delivery guy and what it would be like under those 15's he wouldnt give a shit i was under him i wondered how long i could survuve his weight he probably weighed in at closer to 250 and the physical therapist guy probably was around the same weight. I trembled to myself thinking what if i actually get crushed underfoot and no one ever finds out. I decided that this was a chance i was just too eager to experience and fuck it if i get crushed like a bug id die happy. So i got up from my spot went to my room didnt really sleep i wanted to make sure i was on time had grandmas breakfast ready and waiting on her and got her fed and into the bathroom ready for her shower grandma could take up to 2 hrs showering so i laid down in my hole got everything covered and i had just stretched out good to flatten myself out just a little more when i heard gravel crunching in the driveway and the backup beeper of the senior outreach van and then i heard flip flops and a few steps later tap tap tap on the door and then it comes flying open i feel a large foot land on my back and then emmense pressure as he steps down fully then the other foot lands on the side of my head he does something i wasnt expecting and wipes his flips off on the rug, under it, it feels like i am being ground by these feet as they drag back and forth then a small stomp from both and he steps fully off me and into the kitchen to place her lunch on the table grandma opened the bathroom door about that time and started talking to him hes backing up slowly towards me now and steps on and stands on top of me while talking to grandma shes talking his ear off and hes just patiently listening shifting his weight from one foot to the other hes standing sideways on me one foot is splayed longways across my head like the heel is on the top and the toes are down past my jaw his other foot is mashing in the area over my lung im being mashed flat as i hear what sounds like a car door and someones heavy steps coming this direction, i hear the guy on head saying well looks like you got more company hes got a bag, grandma says yeah thats my physical therapist and with that the guy steps off me completley holding the door open for Casey the physical therapist to step in right on top of me from what i can tell casey is wearing on clouds and he begins to rigorously swip his soles off onto me and again it feels like being ground flat he also stomped a little to get any remaining dirt off and onto me he said mrs jones how are you feeling today as he steps off me and he joins grandma in the living room i am thinking i will get a small break away from pressure when i hear him say oh shoot i forgot my phone in the car if you will excuse me very quickly, he jumps up and comes right over standing on top of me long enough to open the screen door hes off and down the steps and across the yard to his vehicle it doesnt take him a second to retrieve it and almost as soon as he steps in on top of me his phone goes to ringing he turns around while standing on me and answers the phone hes still wiping his shoes off but hes facing a different direction this time and he very firmly but softly stomps down a few times per foot and now hes just swaying side to side as he continues his call he finally turns around on me again and steps off appoligizing to grandma who was like its ok you couldve taken your time. I do this time get about a 20-30 minute break away from being crushed and ground or so i thought i hear another car pulling in and im like who the hell is this of course i couldnt do anything about it and i hear casey say oh this is sean my partner he does the recreational side of the therapy and i hear this guy coming up on the porch caseys already walking over and on top of me to open the screen door for him and in he comes hes got big feet too from the shoe size etched in the sole its a 13 and this man and casey are both standing on me going over mrs jones and what casey had been explaining so kenny would know where to pick up at then they both step off me and go and sit in the living room im definetely feeling like i bit off more than i could chew at this point but about 15 minutes later kenny comes walking over steps on me long enough to open the screen and hes out and then casey is trying to leave i hear grandma start one of her famous 20 minute stories and im just thinking no please grandma dont tell him this while hes walking over to me that means he will stand on me the whole time, just about that time he is backing up right on me i have his right foot splayed across my face and his left is mashing the air out of my lungs im literally just being crushed and i am hoping grandma concludes this story soon, however now he is telling her a story, and reminding her he will be here tomorrow as well, man its too the point in this crush sensation i start to black out and even though i fight it i pass out from lack of air and beinging mashed flat. I awoke minutes later still under his feet but it sounds like his story is over because his feet are finally shifting and moving towards the door and yes with a breeze i can feel the door open and now hes stepping out onto the porch. Grandma realizing she hasnt gone to the bathroom almost runs in there and closes the door behind her i start peeling myself away from the carpeting that i have been mashed into for over an hour and a half at this point. I put everything back the way it was and make my way to my room shutting my door behind me. The very next day i am sore as a risen but i had never gotten to fully experierence what it is like under the feet of men who not only didnt know but couldnt care less that you was beneath their feet cause like i just said your beneath their feet i had to have more not knowing if that was a good idea or not but thinking it might increase my stamina i of course wait for grandma to go get in the shower and i make for the front door doormat and im under it and level and got stretched out now i just have to listen seems like i am under here for a while now as grandma is blow drying her hair which means she is fixing to come out where is the delivery guy? About that time she comes out of the bathroom and sits down at the table and i hear over her commotion gravel crunching in the driveway and the beep but i also hear the engine turn off which means he was staying for a while, i can hear his flip flops coming my direction and tap tap the door flies open and he steps inside on top of me, he wipes the soles off very aggressively and then stomps kinda hard but firm just to make sure they are clean. He steps off me and into the kitchen and him and grandma start having a conversation about old times and old days and im like yes please start dating my grandma and then i can be under your feet alot more, his phone ringing brings me back to planet reality and he says will you excuse me for just a moment and he comes walking over towards me and steps down fully and stops and answers his call a few moments later i hear i already said im not interested stop pushing it and he steps off me and hanging up goes on into the kitchen hes doing his best to convince grandma to give him a chance and relucktantly she agrees but lays down the law about me she said my grandson stays with me but he wont be in your hair and hes not the type to stay underfoot he was totally fine with it plus he said again even if he did end up underfoot i wouldnt feel him and the poor guy would get sqooshed. Yeah tell me about it i think to myself" he was almost giddity he kissed grandma and told her hed be back in a while he had to go finish delivering the rest of the meals and almost was dancing as he made his way over to me about that time another car was coming into the driveway i could hear the gravel under the tires and Greg as i now should call him opens the door to greet him Casey is walking towards the door but he sounds different today his footsteps dont make much noise and then squash squash wipe wipe and turnned sideways i now have Greg on my upper body and head and Casey on my lower body gregs heels are mashing in my temples and his toes are flattening my shoulder blades casey is standing on my kidneys with his heels and his toes are mashing in the bottom half of my lungs im literally being crushed like i was nothing more than a bug to these giant men and there massive feet. Finally greg says well i got to get going but i will be back asap, and then he steps off leaving casey standing on me looking confused grandma says he asked me to go steady, then chuckling he says thats great news mrs.jones as he steps off of me at this point i was flat or at least felt flat i truely believed i would be crushed into these carpet fibers and never be seen again. Casey and Grandma go into the living room and set down to talk and then casey gets up and comes stands besides her to help her with these excercises i am just laying here watching as best i can his feet moving from side to side and then he comes around the back of her recliner and has to step across my face to get to the other side of her chair for this half of the therapy. About an hour later Casey wraps it up and is packing his things getting ready to leave when i hear gravel crunching and a motor shutting off and flip flops oh shit greg is back and im still under the doormat he comes up on the porch and tap tap he opens and steps right in on top of me he said dot, (my grandmas name was dorothy) i just couldnt stay away any longer and then apologized because he didnt know casey was still here, casey hurriedly got his belongings and told grandma he would see her thursday that he was giving her wednesday off to spend time with her new man wink wink and then he walked over to me standing on me long enough to get the screen door open and then i heard him leaving the porch and going to get in his vehicle but then he comes back on the porch opens the door steps back in on topof me and has to ask greg if he can let him out since greg was blocking him in, greg jumped up and he joined casey on top of me apologizing and told grandma hed be right back and grandma said take your time ive got to run to the bathroom they both step off me and out the door they go i can hear greg moving the van over into the grass and casey thanking him and wishing him good luck and then gregs flops heading back my way greg doesnt even tap this time he opens the screen door stepping in and coming to a stop on top of me i hear grandma holler from the bathroom well i will be just another minute or two im just freshing up you dont have to just stand at the door sit down in the living room and make yourself cozy and thankfully he did just that, they talked for a few hours and eventuslly it was time for greg to be hitting the old dusty trail and he and grandma slowly made their way over towards me grandma stopped about two foot from the doormat he of course backd straight up on top of me he lovingly told her that he would be here to drop off her meal and then he would return and they could eat together she agreed i mean casey would be back tomorrow as well so he turned and walked out the door grandma turned and made a beeline for the bathroom and as soon as she shut the bathroom door i had to actually use the most of my strength to pry myself out from under the rug i quickly placed everything back and went to my room i actually had red marks that looked like cuts on my face this time i was inthralled by being absolutely nothing more than the ground to both of these tall hunky southern men they couldnt care less about me being under there feet and i was in love with being that rug this continued over the next several years until grandma ended up having to go into a nursing home.


A true story written as remembered by 

Brandon aka Underfoot4life 

Brandon Mccurry

9 ブログ 投稿
